About Us
We Empower Cyber Security and Resilience

Proteon is determined to make the web a safer place. Our mission is to make any organisation mature in regard to information security and cyber resilience. In this fastly developing world where internet quickly becomes a necessity of life, we believe that information security is key to any business, no matter its size. All companies and organisations are part of a supply chain, where the customers’ cyber resilience depend on the suppliers’ information security policies. Hence, every company has the duty to take information security seriously. We are here to help, and we have solutions for any budget.
Matured and seasoned
Proteon was established back in 1995 as a spin-off of the Delft University of Technology. With a focus on web development we built the first Dutch dating and recruitment websites. As these websites dealt with personal data and experienced high traffic, we enrolled in the field of website optimisation, performance and information security. We have never stopped doing so.
Over the years we have adopted new technologies, hence we have a broad set of skills and expertises. We host, support, secure and maintain web applications for organisations ranging from SMEs to large international corporations. We are not tied to a specific industry and provide our services world wide to any organisation and company. About 15 years ago we established the brand Firelay as a side-business. Firelay provides our services and expertise specifically in the Liferay ecosystem. Proteon has always remained the brand for all our information security and cyber resilience related services and products, obviously Proteon is ISO/IEC 27001 certified.