Computable reported that the House of Representatives has adopted the Bill for the Promotion of Digital Resilience of Companies (in Dutch ‘Wetsvoorstel bevordering digitale weerbaarheid bedrijven’ or in short ‘Wbdwb’). This sets out the tasks and powers of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate in the field of digital resilience of non-vital companies in the Netherlands. These include agreements on processing and disseminating information about vulnerabilities, threats and incidents and cooperation between administrative bodies and organizations.

This includes agreements about the Digital Trust Center (DTC), which was established by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy in 2018 to make so-called non-vital Dutch companies more resilient to cyber threats. The DTC carries out a number of main tasks on behalf of the ministry, such as sharing general threat information and sharing company-specific threat information with individual companies in the Netherlands. The DTC recently shared that these notifications have increased significantly. It also wants to promote cooperation between companies in the field of digital resilience.

National cybersecurity organization
When alerting individual companies and organizations, personal data may be processed, such as IP addresses and the contact details of a company’s employees. The bill provides the legal basis to implement this. The Wbdwb also contains conditions for the new national cybersecurity organization, which is created after the integration of the DTC, the CSIRT-DSP and the NCSC, to continue to provide the non-vital business community with general and specific information about cyber threats and incidents.

The bill was adopted by the House of Representatives with a large majority, with PVV, GroenLinks-PvdA, VVD, NSC, D66, CDA, ChristenUnie, DENK, FVD, SGP, Volt and JA21 as supporters. The Senate Committee for Economic Affairs and Climate will discuss the follow-up procedure on March 26, 2024. The law will only come into effect once it has been adopted by the Senate.

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